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Category Archives: Investment

Real Estate Capital Gains in Japan

<Capital Gains> If you sell real estate for a higher price than you paid for it, you may have what is called ...
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An Overview of Real Estate Related Taxes in ...

When purchasing real estate in Japan, there are a variety of taxes you should be aware of. Some taxes are only paid ...
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3 Approaches to Real Estate Valuation in Jap...

There are 3 common methods used to value real estate in Japan. Depending on the type of property you are considerin ...
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Understanding Real Estate Legal Documents

We would like to explain about some of the standard real estate legal documents in Japan. Real Estate companies oft ...
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Real Estate Purchase Flow in Japan [infograp...

We believe it is very important to understand the purchase flow in the beginning. Many people think it is good to s ...
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The Cost of Property Investment in Japan

A detailed breakdown of the purchase cost and post-purchase fees for apartment, house and whole building investment ...
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